• 4 Creamery Brook, East Granby, CT 06026
  • +1 866-432-6456
  • info@thesilentpartnermarketing.com

Operation Innocence


To protect our children in schools by activating the most able-bodied and able-minded individuals in America.  To allow our children to maintain their innocence and focus on normal childhood development as long as possible by creating an environment protected by as many threats of violence as possible.

The “Why”

Our children should be more important than bureaucracy.  Congress has failed to implement meaningful security measures to protect them, and so it’s time for the American people to take that responsibility out of the hands of our politicians.

The Task Force

The task force is comprised of a cross section of Americans, ranging from combat veterans turned entrepreneurs, educators and business owners to law enforcement, security experts and other strategic leaders.


The main goals of the task force are as follows:

1)    To put together a comprehensive and strategic plan for school districts with meaningful processes that can be implemented immediately at little to no cost to protect students.  These recommendations will NOT require any changes to the law, but will instead be comprised of simple and common sense solutions.

2)    To put together a series of bipartisan recommendations for our lawmakers.  You may have noticed that there are no lawmakers on the task force.  That’s for a reason.  They’ve proven that they are unable to separate politics from protection… so we will do it for them.  We will vet the recommendations of ALL Americans… from executives and law enforcement to janitors and stay at home parents.  Congress seems to be operating in a vacuum of thought leadership.  We will fill that void with the power of every day Americans.

3)    To vet out possible strategies and recommendations from a cost perspective and ensure that the concepts aren’t just focused on safety… they are focused on fiscal responsibility.  When politicians get involved, budgets fall apart.  When entrepreneurs, business leaders and Americans who have to balance their household budgets get involved… things get PAID FOR.

4)    To create a business consortium of companies and products focused on the security of our children.  From security options to insurance companies that will offer discounts for implementing recommended precautions… from businesses that want to donate to schools to individuals who want to volunteer their time, talent and treasures… we will find the resources and the support networks to support our recommendations.

    Give us your opinion!

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    We’re not staying silent any longer.